
Adding classes to react components

This is specific to React and CSS Modules and not relevant if you are using CSS-in-JS.

Lets say we have a ‘panel’ component that we want to create:

import * as styles from './Panel.module.css'

export default () => (
  <div classname={styles.panel}></div>

The resultant HTML will look something like this depending on how you set things up with webpack:

<div class="Panel_panel"></div>

Adding multiple classes:

Lets say we want to add another class to our Panel, this is what it would look like using the classnames package

import cn from 'classnames'
import * as styles from './Panel.module.css'

export default () => (
  <div classname={cn(styles.panel, styles.primary)}></div>


<div class="Panel_panel Panel_primary"></div>

This is not really very useful because we probably want to add the extra classes as and when they are needed when rendering the component ie. not every Panel component is going to be primary. For the sake of this demo there are two situations when we want to add a class to our panel component:

  1. Theming: we have the default panel and now we want to be able to add predetermined classes to change its significance eg. .info, .warning, .danger and .success
  2. Context specific: there’s something special about this instance of the panel because of where it appears on the site/page. This is something you generally want to avoid in favour of flexible components that accept props, however sometimes, for truly exceptional situations, a one-off class is ok.


First we want to tell our panel component to expect the theme prop and that it will be a class that appears in the associated stylesheet:

import cn from 'classnames'
import * as styles from './Panel.module.css'

export default (theme) => (
  <div classname={cn(styles.panel, styles[theme])}></div>

This is how we would render the component on the homepage and apply a theme class of .primary:

import Panel from '../Panel';

export default () => (
  <Panel theme="primary"} />


<div class="Panel_panel Panel_primary"></div>

Context specific

In our panel component:

import cn from 'classnames'
import * as styles from './Panel.module.css'

export default (className) => (
  <div classname={cn(styles.panel, className)}></div>

Special instance of a panel on the homepage:

import Panel from '../Panel'
import * as styles from './Home.module.css'

export default () => (
  <Panel className={styles.homePanel} />

HTML should look something like this:

<div class="Panel_panel Home_homePanel"></div>

Putting it all together

Allowing for both a context specific class and theming.

In our panel component:

import cn from 'classnames'
import * as styles from './Panel.module.css'

export default (className, theme) => (
  <div classname={cn(styles.panel, styles[theme], className)}></div>

Instance of the panel on the homepage with both a context specific class and a theme being applied:

import Panel from '../Panel'
import * as styles from './Home.module.css'

export default () => (
  <Panel className={styles.homePanel} theme="primary" />

HTML should look something like this:

<div class="Panel_panel Panel_primary Home_homePanel"></div>

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